Official Vuejs certification is here

VUEJS && Courses

Document for the preparation of the vuejs certification.
Certification vuejs level 1

Library vuejs for creating reactive and complexe flowchart.
Vue flow

An opinionated toast component for Vue. It's a Vue port of Sonner
Github - Vue Sonner

Tutorial about how you can use suspense in vuejs.
Suspense in vuejs


Thought of grady of the "after" GTP, how our developer job will evolve with the new AI paradigm.
Post-gpt computing article

Create a cross mobile app with the new version of Tauri mobile.
Tauri mobile

If you ever wanted to have a mac folder in legan leather.
Nikolas Bentel Studio


Transform TS stack error in a more human readable error.
Pretty TS error

📖 Sources

Every news are mainly from my Twitter feed, my Github feed, The collective, Michael Thiessen, Michael Hoffmann, Stefan and more recently by my friends Adrien Zaganelli.