The importance of design

Salut, web dev friends! 🧑‍💻

I have selected some news from the web dev world to share.

Have a great week.

The Importance of Design
Everything in our life is designed, here is a list of principle for creating simple and good design for your product.

📈 Why Investing in UI Design Saves Costs, Increases Revenue and Retains Customers
Fixing a problem with code cost 10 times more than fixing it in the design process, and 100 times more if you’re trying to fix the problem in a product that’s already been released.
Spend a little more time thinking about your design will save you a lot of money down the line.

💵 Dollars And Sense: The Business Case For Investing In UI Design
Every dollar spent on UX brings in between $2 and $100 dollars in return.
Investing in UX is 99% of the time worth it, in the long run. Like Apple or Logitech have proved, people can pay premium for a simple and UX friendly product instead of a feature rich and poor UX product.

📗 Become a +10% engineer
+10% engineer are engineer who make their peers 10% better. Instead of focusing only on making you a better engineer, you can share your knowledge to make the team grow and everyone profit from it.

Web tools and Library

🚢 Windows in a Docker container.
Run every Windows version in a docker container.

Beautiful 3D gradients for your website.

⚙️ Favycon App
A favicon generator app.

📖 Sources

Every news are mainly from my Twitter feed, my Github feed, The collective, Michael Thiessen, Michael Hoffmann, Stefan and more recently by my friends Adrien Zaganelli.