Mimestream macOS email.
Veille #
A native macOS email client for Gmail - Mimestram
iStat Menus 6. An advanced Mac system monitor for your menu bar. - iStat Menu 6
The all-in-one monitoring tool
for your entire website. - ohdear.app
Repo Git #
macOS status monitoring app. - Eul
L'invite minimaliste, ultra-rapide et personnalisable à l'infini pour n'importe quel shell - Starship cross-shell prompt
Tweet #
CSS Pro Tip Palette de peinture
Create pure CSS Typewriter effect using steps
animation-timing-function. - Prathkum tweet
Marre du Lorem Ipsum ?
Générez du texte aléatoire qui sent la marée, le goémon et la crêpe.
📖 Sources
Every news are mainly from my Twitter feed, my Github feed, The collective>, Michael Thiessen, Michael Hoffmann, Stefan and more recently by my friends Adrien Zaganelli.