Interop 2022
Browser #
Interop 2022 Dashboard
For as long as developers have written CSS code, we’ve been desperate to have a method to allow styling a parent element based child characteristics. That’s not been possible until now. CSS has introduced the :has
pseudo-class which allows styling a parent based on a relative CSS selector!
Understanding Layout Algorithms | css #
The mental model shift that makes CSS more intuitive
Clip path | css #
Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties
Web performance #
Time for Next-Gen Codecs to Dethrone JPEG
The « Developer Experience » Bait-and-Switch
The « Developer Experience » Bait-and-Switch
Native browser Lazy loading
The typical use case for this high speed Node.js module is to convert large images in common formats to smaller, web-friendly JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF and AVIF images of varying dimensions.
Sharp | Node.js image processing
Picture perfect images with the modern element
Optimising Largest Contentful Paint
Performance checklist for vue and nuxt
Javascript #
Types as comments: Strong types, weakly held
Repo GitHub #
A lazy functional Iteration library supporting sync, async, and concurrent iteration.
date-fns provides the most comprehensive, yet simple and consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a browser & Node.js.
A tiny (~400 B) & modern library for keybindings
Virtual machine #
Lima: Linux virtual machines (on macOS, in most cases)
Security #
This checklist of privacy and security tips, is a summarized version of The Complete Personal Security Checklist. It lays out the most essential steps you should take to protect your digital life.
Web app #
Squoosh is an image compression web app that reduces image sizes through numerous formats.
Framework #
htmx gives you access to AJAX , CSS Transitions , WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes , so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext
htmx is small ( ~10k min.gz’d ), dependency-free , extendable & IE11 compatible
Hotwire is an alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire. This makes for fast first-load pages, keeps template rendering on the server, and allows for a simpler, more productive development experience in any programming language, without sacrificing any of the speed or responsiveness associated with a traditional single-page application.
Framework css #
An open-source, lightweight and modernish CSS design system, framework built on Sass. Give your project a solid foundation.
📖 Sources
Every news are mainly from my Twitter feed, my Github feed, The collective>, Michael Thiessen, Michael Hoffmann, Stefan and more recently by my friends Adrien Zaganelli.