My css whishlist by Ahmad Shadeed


My CSS Wishlist - Ahmad Shadeed

Whishlist of cool feature css might have on day by Ahmad Shadeed.

Web tools

Meilisearch | Meilisearch Documentation v1.0
Meilisearch is a RESTful search API. It aims to be a ready-to-go solution for everyone who wants a fast and relevant search experience for their end-users ⚡️🔎

Tool Finder

Find Productivity Tools !
The wikipedia for productivity tools, curated by world-leading experts Keep Productive.

Alternative to other search engine but without ad and with privacy in mind.


AI powered search - The Official Microsoft Blog

Reinventing search with a new AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge, your copilot for the web


Responsive scrollable videos without obscure video encoding requirements. Compatible with React, Svelte, Vue, and plain HTML.

clack/packages/prompts at main · natemoo-re/clack · GitHub

Effortlessly build beautiful command-line apps 🪄

15 futuristic databases you’ve never heard of

Youtube video from Fireship about databases.

Easing Gradients

Article about easing gradients, they are some really cool examples and an editor to test the gradient.

ChatGPT is a perfectly balanced AI with no exploits

Code report from the 9.02.2023 from Fireship

📖 Sources

Every news are mainly from my Twitter feed, my Github feed, The collective, Michael Thiessen, Michael Hoffmann, Stefan and more recently by my friends Adrien Zaganelli.