80% of programmers are NOT happy… why ?

Salut, web dev friends! 🧑‍💻

I have selected some news from the web dev world to share.

😡 80% of programmers are NOT happy… why ?
😱 Anyone can Access Deleted and Private Repository Data on GitHub
😎 So good, they can’t ignore you
✨ CSS One-liners to improve almost every project

Have a great week.

😡 80% of programmers are NOT happy… why?
An analysis of the 2024 StackOverflow survey results where only 20% of programmers reported being happy at their software engineering jobs.

😱 Anyone can Access Deleted and Private Repository Data on GitHub
This article show 4 different ways to access deleted and private repository data from Github.

😎 So good, they can't ignore you
Be so good, you don’t have to accommodate to the job, the job has to accommodate to you.

CSS One-Liners to Improve (Almost) Every Project
10 way to improve readability, and overall UX of a good number of website.

Web tools and Library

✉️ Plunk
Plunk is the open-source, affordable email platform that brings together marketing, transactional and broadcast emails into one single, complete solution

🔁 Swapy
A simple JavaScript tool for converting any layout you have to drag-to-swap layout

A svp learning tool, to try and harness the power of svg.

📖 Sources

Every news are mainly from my Twitter feed, my Github feed, The collective, Michael Thiessen, Michael Hoffmann, Stefan and more recently by my friends Adrien Zaganelli.