Tagged “design”

  1. CSS Wrapped 2024
  2. Headless, boneless, skinless & lifeless UI
  3. A conversation about the meaning of quality
  4. Open source royalty and mad kings
  5. Work is meaningless
  6. A gentle guide to self hosting
  7. How not to monetize a blog ?
  8. Announcing Vue.js 3.5
  9. Google is now a convicted monopolist
  10. Open source AI is the path forward
  11. Why tech crusade is a waste of time ?
  12. Writing the documentation
  13. A design system retrospective
  14. The story behind the linear design reset
  15. Front-end development’s identity crisis
  16. The importance of design
  17. Find copy/paste in your codebase
  18. Removing Typescript build step
  19. A Global Design System
  20. Lets get rich with ChatGPT
  21. Human readable regex in PHP
  22. An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid
  23. Developer have it easy
  24. Laravel monitoring system
  25. Data provider pattern in Vuejs
  26. The most valuable skill of a software developer
  27. Mastering Vuejs 3 Composables
  28. A love letter to the next developer
  29. For what type of dev Tailwind is worth it ?
  30. Typescript Origin
  31. No one wants simplicity
  32. Measuring developer productivity
  33. The "normal" web
  34. Type vs Interface in typescript !
  35. Build beautiful CLI easily
  36. ChatGpt like trained on the vuejs documentation
  37. Reduce up to 20% the ram docker use
  38. Container queries is stable !
  39. The "const" deception
  40. AI driven development
  41. TypeScript 5.0
  42. Type narrowing in TypeScript
  43. Building the web like its 1984
  44. Esoteric color palette
  45. Native CSS nesting is available today
  46. 58 bytes of css to look great nearly everywhere
  47. Defensive css

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